Tag Archives: food

Greeks in Sochi

Don’t be surprised to see many Greek business names, Greek cousine restaurants, or even meet locals who can speak Greek when you visit Sochi. Especially in Krasnaya Polyana (mountain cluster venues), which was founded by Greek settelers. Sochi, and whole coast of the Black Sea, has very close historical ties to Greece.

A house in Krasnaya Polyana with roof painted as flag of Greece.

Souvlaki is a national Greek food. Its very popular in Sochi, but you won’t normally find it in other Russian cities.

Even McDonalds added Greek sandwitch to their menu in Krasnaya Polyana – Pita Greek.

Food you will not find in Sochi during the Olympic Games

Food safety authorities want to ensure that following popular in Russia food items are not sold in Sochi during Olympic and Paralympic Games next year.

  • Homebrewed beer
  • Home distilled spirits
  • Homemade non-alcoholic drinks
  • Cottage-cheese from raw (unpasteurized) milk
  • Stockfish
  • Dried mushrooms
  • Cook canned vegitables, meat, fish, or mushrooms
  • Macaroni Russian navy style (ground meat and macaroni)