Sochi: Day of work on July 5th

Sochi’s mayor, Viktor Kolodyazhny, has officially declared July 5th a day off!

As a reminder, the July 4th was also official day of work in Sochi. Enjoy while it lasts, Sochi, ‘cause considering amount of work that needs to be done to get ready for the Olympics, this maybe the last day off you’ll have in years! : )


Sochi residents are awating 2014 Olympics Host election
July 4th: Sochi residents awating for the election time, several concerts and other events around the city juced up the anticipation.
Photo (C)

President of IOC announces Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics winner
President of the IOC announces official Host City of the XXII Winter Olympic Games — it is Sochi!
Photo (C) AP

2 thoughts on “Sochi: Day of work on July 5th

  1. Ross

    I just read in our local paper about your Olympic win. Congratulations Sochi! I’m so happy for you guys, you deserve it.

    And Erik, thanks for your great blog. I’d never heard of Sochi till a couple of years ago, but I like to stop by here and read up on the latest happenings. Cheers!

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