Mrs. World 2007: Event photos and videos

The finals of the international Missis World 2007 pageant took place tonight in «Zimny» Theater in Sochi, Russia. And here are the results!

Missis World 2007: Mrs. America – Diane Tucker
Missis Benevolence: Mrs. Canada – Mai-Lea Dejong
Missis Fitness: Mrs. Russia – Maria Gufronova
Best Dress: Mrs. France – Rejane Klein Maurer


I found three video clips on different Russian news sites. All three are different, some are from before the event, some are videos of the event itself. But they all have Russian narration. If you want to see the picture, here’s the list with instructions. Also, below I’m posting a few screenshots from two of those clips. Tip: if the playback is faster then the download and the video is jerking, press pause button after playback begun, and give it a little time to buffer data up; then press play button again to watch the video.


Player: Media Player
Instructions: Press Play
Full screen available (right click the picture > Zoom > Full Screen)


Player: Flash
Instructions: Press Play


Player: Flash
Instructions: Wait for text on the right side loads. Click on the image in the text – this will open up video controls. Press Play.



Missis World 2007 - America
Missis Arizona, Missis America, and now Missis World 2007!

Missis World 2007 America

Missis World 2007 Russia
Mrs. Russia

Missis World 2007 Russia

Missis World 2007 Latvia Canada
Missis Latvia and Mrs. ??? (Canada?)

Missis World 2007 Latvia Canada

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007
Missis Mexico – the mother of four, and grandmother of seven!


(c) NTV

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007
Mrs. South Africa.

Missis World 2007
During practice.

Missis World 2007
During practice. Mrs Russia in the center.

Missis World 2007
During trip to Krasnaya Polyana

Missis World 2007 Mrs India
Missis India

Missis World 2007 Latvia
Missis Latvia

Missis World 2007 Mexico
Missis Mexico

Missis World 2007 Russia
Missis Russia

Missis World 2007 USA
Missis America, and Missis World 2007

Missis World 2007

Alo see my previous Missis World articles with some photos here and here.

6 thoughts on “Mrs. World 2007: Event photos and videos

  1. Erik Post author


    i’ve read this “news” when it appeared in Russian media. the seriousness of this story is equal to zero. and if you knew anything about various traditions among Caucasian nations you certainly wouldn’t take it at any serious level.

    the person who wrote this article hates the man. its all throughout the article, which obviously doesn’t try to tell a story, but to express author’s dislike of Ramazan Kadyrov. there’s nothing more to this story. its also funny, but the people who call him “warlord” ten years ago called him no less then a “freedom fighter”. it also gives false information, such as calling Chechnya “lawless”, and saying that many of the ladies didn’t know they were going to Grozny – several of them in an interview said that they, the contest participants, together selected to go to Chechnya, as the “idea” of Missis World (just like Miss Universe, and other beauty contests) is “world peace”.

    there are a lot of people who write a lot of bullsh*t about Russia today. some because they don’t understand, some because they don’t want you to understand. so, if you care to understand what and why is going out in Russia, research and your head are your best friends.

    Good luck,

  2. Richard Oceguera

    I’m from the USA but I wanted Mrs. Ukraine all the way. But how could any of them beat Mrs.America! Classic beauty all the way.

  3. Erik Post author

    It was on Women Entertainment last night, but i missed it 🙁 I didn’t know when they’ll show it, but last night i was clicking through channels and as soon as I saw ladies and WE logo i knew it was video from Sochi. But i only cought last 5 minutes of it.

    I have to say, though, i thought Diane Tucker looked better on photos then on TV :-/ . Also, all the ladies looked younger on TV then on pictures.

  4. Shiloh

    Why is there not one picture of Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry as hosts? I have searched the internet high and low. Not only are they rarely even mentioned as hosts, there seems to be no coverage of them. Did they really suck?

  5. Naury

    How is it that I never heard of Mrs Canada World competition but still we have somebody to represent us ? is this a serious thing?

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