Investments into Sochi’s communications

15 billion rubles (~US $565 mil) will be spent on improving communications infrastructure in Sochi, if the city Olympics bid wins. If not, then 4 billion rubbles (~US $150 mil).

The completion of seven out of ten planned projects does not depend on IOCs decision on where 2014 Winter Olympics will take place. The remaining thee, most expensive ones, will only be completed if Sochi gets the Games. More fiberoptic lines, HDTV and digital radio projects, A Tetra mobile radio communication network for 100 Olympic family user groups (10,000 subscribers), and electrical and postal communications projects are part of program federal government is committed to.

All these are definitely good news, especially for Adler (where Krasnaya Polyana is). There is old, pulse telephone station, in Adler; many people on it have poor quality phone service, slow with frequent dropouts, internet connection, and no access to broadband internet access. Center and Khosta (which only recently got digital telephone communications station, and did not have one prior to that) districts have digital systems. As far as TV goes, cable users can enjoy only around 10 different channels. Those few who have their own satellite dish don’t have this limit, though satellite dish does not work in many places in Sochi because of the surrounding mountains.

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