Monthly Archives: May 2007

Water in Sochi is warm enough to swim in !!

Sea water in Russia’s Black Sea cities has warmed up enough to swim in. In Gelendzhyk area it is already 20 degrees C (68 F), and in Sochi it will reach 20C in the next couple of days. 18 degrees C is a good temperature to start swimming season.

Growing up in Sochi we’d always compete who will start swimming season earliest. My record was somewhere in March, at 11 degrees C 🙂

ETIRC will help convert Sochi’s public transport to hydrogen fuel

Based in Netherlands, European Technology and Investment Research Center (ETIRC) will help convert all Sochi’s busses to use hydrogen fuel. Contract with all the details will be signed by the end of this month, reports Max Media Group. The Dutch specialists will provide the technology to convert diesel and gasoline powered engines to use hydrogen fuel, and will build reservoirs and fuel stations around the city.

Maria Sharapova Backs Sochi 2014 Olympic Bid

International tennis star Maria Sharapova has thrown her support behind Sochi’s bid for the 2014 Olympic Winter games.

The 20 year-old has won both Wimbledon and the US Open, and was the first Russian player to top the WTA rankings.

“I lived [in Sochi] for five years” Sharapova told in an exclusive interview from Los Angeles, “Sochi is an amazing city and I don’t think a lot of people realize it will be such an incredible experience.

Sharapova said her love of tennis began when she was four years old in Sochi.

“I actually left there to go to America because I couldn’t develop my tennis skills because in winter time there wasn’t a lot of facilities.

She hopes that the Winter Olympics will leave a legacy of sports facilities for young athletes so they won’t have to leave their country and city to train for their chosen sport as she was forced to do.

“It’s a beautiful city and I’m so proud of it. I always tell my friends in America I want to take you there, I want to show you where I grew up.”

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