Sochi-Abkhazia train services resume

On June 26th Russia and Abkhazia resumed passenger train services between Adler, Sochi and Gagra, Abkhazia. The train travels twice a day – at 7:05 AM from Adler’s train station, and back at 17:57 (5:57 PM) back the same day. The over two hours trip includes two ten minutes stops for passport control on both Russian and Abkhazian sides. Passengers do not leave the train for this procedure. More trains are expected to operate on this route in the near future.

The passenger train service between Sochi and Abkhazia was active in years 2003-2004, back then around 400 people traveled during each ride. It is hoped that resuming of the Sochi-Abkhazia train service will help to unload automotive Russia-Abkhazia border crossings, which increased in the recent years, and reaching 35000 people per day.

2 thoughts on “Sochi-Abkhazia train services resume

  1. George


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  2. Linda


    Thanks for a wonderful blog about Sochi.
    I work as a freelance journalist and right now I’m looking for press photos from Krasnaya Polyana, but I can’t really find any information for press anywhere… You seem to have a lot of insight and contacts, could you maybe help and point me in the right direction? Is there for example a visitor information online?

    Thank you very much.
    Kind regards

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