Random rant: Airlines, New Year

I’m going to Sochi for the New Year, yay! I just hope the flight won’t be delayed, as my flight is at 7pm 🙂 The only comforting thought is that it’s Aeroflot flight, and in my experience they’ve been very reliable in being on-time. Unlike SkyExpress. Since I moved to St. Petersburg two month ago, I’ve spent most weekends in Moscow, thanks to the reasonable rates at SkyExpress . However every flight back to SPb was delayed! On the last trip the flight to Moscow was combined with another SE flight that they delayed for several hours, and on the way back my flight was delayed 6 hrs. The good think they did sent me text message about the delay, and I ended up meeting my friends from Sochi Music College (now called Sochi College of Arts, or something like that), who now live in Moscow. So, this time it worked out Ok.

All cheap tickets to Sochi for Dec 30-31st on all airlines were sold out about a month in advance. My Moscow-Sochi-Moscow tickets ended up being 515€. If you’re looking for tickets now, check out Aeroflot first, they have many flights there on 31st, and probably will still have tickets.

I’ll be in Sochi from 31st to 8th. No particular plans yet, we’ll probably go out clubbing with friends, or get together at someone’s place. What are your New Year plans?

10 thoughts on “Random rant: Airlines, New Year

  1. Al

    Frankly speaking, I am so angry at you!!!:) And glad you are in SPb at the same time.

    Why haven’t you called me, being in Moscow? I tried to reach you several times via email.

    Please call me at +7 916 6867334
    Moreover, I still have you jazz CD.

  2. Nick

    Erik, I’m a journalist with Skiing magazine in the U.S. I’m working on a story about skiing in/near Sochi, as part of the ramp up for the 2014 Winter Games. Came across your blog during my research. Would you be willing to answer some questions about the town? Is there an email where I can reach you?

    Many thanks in advance,
    Nick Heil

  3. Olga

    Good Day!
    I am working in travel agency.We would like to offer cooperation in organization of tours to Sochi (accommodation, transfers, guiding and so on).


  4. Jon

    Nick! I’m an American and I lived in Sochi for two years, from 2004 – end of 2005. You can ask me about Sochi anytime. jonpeters1 at me dot com.



  5. David

    Nick, I’ve been here for the last 2 1/2 years. Know the area fairly well including the man that administers this site. I may be able to help you in the good way as I lived at Squaw for over 16 years and may have some good information appropriate for your article.
    Try me at cruznsquaw -include the at- post dot com. Anyone else interested in a variety of topics concerning the area’s of finance – construction – media material or ?, send a note.

  6. Jon



    I bought this site a while ago but haven’t developed it yet.
    Now I’m too busy with other stuff so I’m offering it to anyone who can find it useful, presumably as a web marketing tool.
    So if you want to make an offer on it just reply.

    Jon Lonergan

    PS you’re one of the first I’ve emailed about this. 
    If you don’t want to take up the option, can you suggest anyone who might want it?

  7. Jon



    I bought this site a while ago but haven’t developed it yet.
    Now I’m too busy with other stuff so I’m offering it to anyone who can find it useful, presumably as a web marketing tool.
    So if you want to make an offer on it just reply.

    Jon Lonergan

    PS you’re one of the first I’ve emailed about this. 
    If you don’t want to take up the option, can you suggest anyone who might want it?

  8. Peter

    Hi Erik,

    I am planning to go to Sochi in the next year or two, and wanted to know how easy, or difficult, it is to visit Abkhazia from there. Have you ever gone? Any info you have would be of a great help to me, as there is little information out there. Thanks


  9. john edmunds

    Gooday from Oz… My daughter found your site – she wants to ski in Sochi – before the Olympics – but little or no info on ski packages – is it still a Soviet secret?

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